Saturday, 10 December 2011

Why It Is Good For a Man to Be Just Friends With a Woman

Quite often you will hear the debate about whether or not it is good for men and women to be just friends. Now, I won't delve into the area of whether or not committed couples should have close opposite sex friends. What I want to explore is whether or not single men can benefit from being just friends with a woman. To be upfront about it, my position is that it is one of the best things that a man can do. Most guys have too few female friends and they pay a price for this.

It's not uncommon for a man to reach his mid twenties without really having much of a grasp at all on how the female mind works. It's all too common for guys to look at women as being only possible mates and nothing more. While some of that definitely is due to the way that we are "wired" to be, a lot of that also has to do with societal conditioning that separates the girls and the boys at a young age. So, it is not entirely natural for things to be that way.

Here's why I think it is beneficial for a guy to be just friends with a woman:

I alluded to why in the previous paragraph, but I will expand on it here. As I mentioned, it's pretty routine for a man to reach into his mid twenties and even beyond that age and still have absolutely no clue as to the way that women really are. These guys will instead possess an idealized image of the way that they think women should be like, and many times this prevents them from really having quality relationships.

Had they had more opposite sex friendships, they probably would lose that idealized image of the way that women are "supposed" to be. I know I did. What happens when a guy gets to have some insights into the ways that women really think and feel and act is... he gets to see a much more realistic picture and so, when he gets into a long term relationship, there are far fewer surprises that cause conflicts.

There is also the fact that men and women tend to socialize in a slightly different manner and this is where it really becomes beneficial for a guy to have female friends, because in order to get into that long term relationship... he has to know how to make a woman feel attracted to him. As a teenager, I did not start off with too many female friends and I honestly had no clues at all about how to make a girl like me.

By the time I reached my late teens, I had made many female friends and all of a sudden, it seemed pretty easy to create attraction with a woman. It all came from the fact that I had learned through my female friends and their experiences with guys, what worked and what did not work. I wasn't one of those guys that got locker room advice from the fellas who had no greater clue than I did... I got REAL insights that showed me what worked like a charm and what to avoid at all costs.

In being just friends with women, a guy not only picks up insights that will make him more successful with women, he also gets insights into what women actually are like in all their moments, not just a few snips here and there. That is something that guys who do not have female friends just do not get to experience and it ends up causing them lots of heartaches, lots of confusion, and lots of lonely nights.

When should a guy make it a point to pick up some female friends?

The earlier the better in my opinion. However, when he is really trying to get women figured out, that is probably the BEST time possible. So many guys get to a point where they really desire to have a girlfriend, but they are stuck in catch 22 kind of situation, because their lack of female friends means they lack the ability to create real attraction with women and to know what little social cues to use to make that attraction grow to where she wants to be their girlfriend.

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Friday, 9 December 2011

Make Friends and Meet People Washington DC

When I was transferred here for my job, I really wanted to Meet People Washington DC. I didn't care that much about meeting a man as I was in just making friends. I made several friends with people in my office, but I am very guarded about letting co-workers know too much about my personal life because that got me into sensitive situations in the past.

I'm not into social networking any more but when I was I allowed my co-workers to "friend" me. That gave them access to where I was and a whole bunch of other personal information that was none of their business. I only "friended" them because I was new to the company and though it would be rude to reject their friend request. I have since closed my account and no one can know my business any longer. But let's get back to my meet people in Washington DC. 

Thank God I'm an incredibly open and friendly person who doesn't mind striking up a conversation with a woman working on her computer at a coffee place. Or if I see someone holding a tennis racquet, I'll ask him or her where they play tennis and ask for their phone number so that I can get more information about their tennis club. Then during that conversation - especially if it's a woman - I'll then ask them if they want to play together. To Meet People Washington DC and gather a nice, fun group of friends isn't that hard. You just have to be open to the idea of making friends.

The question is where to meet people? If you're shy and not as outgoing as I am, don't worry. There are social networking sites that organize events such as hiking trips, dancing lessons, wine tasting, and so many more great activities.

So if you're the shy type, sign up with those sites and Meet People Washington DC. Believe me, there are so many people out there that are shy as well just dying to make friends and meet new people. So get in front of your computer and search for the social networking sites. I've gone to several of their events and they're terrific!

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Thursday, 8 December 2011

The Most Shocking Email I Ever Received. How I Grow From It

Now for respect reasons for you, the reader, I will not be copying the email here for everyone to see. It is not pretty so I will try to make the point as clear as I can.

Last year I was starting to have many problems with my daughter, who was then 16. She was rebelling and not following pretty serious rules and this carried on all spring and into the winter so I had to follow what I thought best as a parent, as we all do. Now, I was also planning for my own wedding that I was putting on myself in my backyard in October. My daughter was to be my maid of honor which meant she should help, right?

That was fine at the time. I just wanted for us to be okay and her to follow my rules and we were really trying hard to work it out with compromise. Each new thing worked for a small time period and then, boom, back at square one. So stressful at the time. I was losing weight but not in the healthy way.

I was always asking for and receiving advice all the time and some did help. One huge role in my daughter's life is my mother who has been a big influence since she was born, since I was only 18 when I had her.

The wedding came and went. It was absolutely perfect. Then shortly after my daughter was continuing on breaking the rules as usual. No honeymoon as you can imagine. In November my daughter had been living other places but also breaking rules and doing just what she wanted when she wanted so we had to keep taking it to the next level.

I ended up kicking her out in December. She had a full time social worker who had been absolutely wonderful for both of us throughout this. She then started her adventures of teen shelters. She bounced through 3 total because, yes, she didn't follow rules.

My mother, apparently had some feelings she was not sharing with me at the time and let them build up until December 23rd after midnight, probably after a few cocktails. I, of course got the email on Christmas Eve when I had to spend the day alone. Not pretty for most of the day.

It basically stated my whole name, my maiden name, and yelling at me how disappointed she was in me and slamming me for every mistake I ever made as a young mother and what a horrible person I was and she did not care to speak to me again. That sums it up. I was mortified.

I responded to the tune of, I hope you find yourself someday and isn't it funny how the school and social workers all support me. My husband responded in a very different manner, which also cannot be repeated.

I still have not heard an apology or have I talked to her since. I think maybe someday she will sincerely apologize but knowing her, I just don't know.

The moral to the story is that is changed my life by opening my eyes to the fact that you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with and that does include your family. I went on to educate myself through an online marketing community that is just full of the most amazingly supportive people I have ever known. The world really is a big place and in the past year I have learned to stop letting others drag me down with them.

I will leave it at that for now because I will being writing more on all the moments and relationships that have changed my life in the last year.

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Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Who to Attend a New Years Eve Dance Washington DC With

If you are planning on going to a New Years Eve Dance Washington DC, and you are unsure of who to bring with you, this article will help you decide on an answer to that question.

What is your main goal for meeting people at the event?  Would you say you are especially interested in meeting new people, open to meeting new people but fine if you do not, or not intending on meeting new people?  If you are interested in meeting new people at a New Years Gala, it does not matter whether or not you bring a friend or group of friends; the same goes for if you are open but it does not matter.  If you are not intent on meeting new people, you should bring a date, a friend, or go with a group of friends so that you are not alone.

Are you interested in meeting singles at a New Years Eve Dance Washington DC?  If so, you could bring a friend or a group of friends.  It will be nice to have your possible future date meet your friends and see you "in your element".  Plus, your friend(s) could always help introduce you to new people.  If you come with one or two friends of the opposite sex, it may appear to others as if you already have a date.  Either way, as long as you look like you are having fun, you will be more approachable, and you are more likely to be smiling and laughing with your friends.

If you are not really interested in meeting singles at the New Years Gala Dinner, that is fine.  You should always be open to making new friends.  Coming with a group of close guy or girl friends or with other couples is a great way to enjoy the night.  Who knows, you might just introduce your friend to the new love of their life!

Couples are encouraged to come with their partners to the New Years Eve Dance Washington DC.  You will have the time of your life, and you do not want the love of your life to miss out on any of it.

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Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Have Fun While You Meet People Washington DC

I meet people wherever I go, so it's no surprise that I found it so easy to Meet People Washington DC. I'll strike up a conversation with anyone who seems friendly and that's how I have become comfortably situated in every city I've lived in through my entire career. I'm constantly getting transferred from office to office so packing up and moving every two years is nothing new.

One of the first things I do when I arrive in a new city is figure out how to meet people with similar interests. By looking in the local papers and scouring the Internet I can start signing up for classes that interest me. From ballroom dancing lessons, to cooking classes and even rock climbing outings, there's never a shortage of events to attend. Since I am mostly looking for female companionship - not that I wouldn't like a man in every city I've lived in- there are several women at these events and since I'm really good at talking to strangers and making follow-up plans, it makes it even easier to find friends.

Some men and women can never Meet People Washington DC because they just don't make the effort. You can't expect to show up in a new city, go to your job, come home to your cats, eat dinner in front of the TV, and magically meet other people.

A co-worker of mine who is painfully shy has recently warmed up to me. We went out for a drink after work and I invited her to an event that we were both mutually interested. In the beginning she found it difficult to speak to anyone else other than me, but as the night went on she began to meet people and enjoy herself more and more as the night wore on. The next day at work she told me that she had a blast. You can't cure shyness overnight but she was more than welcome to tag along as much as she wants to.

As I said, I love meeting new people, but Meet People Washington DC was a special place to make new friends because it's such a stimulating fast-paced city.

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Monday, 5 December 2011

Ways to Make a Great First Impression

We are all looking for genuine ways to connect with others, build lasting relationships and expand our networking circle. So when is a good time to network, promote or brand yourself? How about whenever you are out in the world, standing in line at the grocery store, or in an environment where a lot of people are.

You are always networking and building relationships so focus on getting to know people that can be of value to you and that you can be of value to them. So how do you go about making a great first impression?

Most people go to networking events with the intention of telling someone about their service or product, or giving them their elevator pitch and hope that someone says; "I need that or I know someone that needs that." You are entering a new environment from a stand point that is one sided or greedy. You are approaching the situation from a self serving position and you are only thinking about what you can get from them.

First you need to develop visibility, credibility, and profitability. If you were to turn the self serving approach around and say, "how can I be of service or help you," the outcome would be very different and extremely beneficial to all parties involved.

You are going to have to go out in the world and be of benefit to others, this creates visibility. The need to be able to talk about what you do is very important, but not right from the beginning. You need to build credibility with the other person or networking group. They need to know that if you offer them something, you can deliver. "Success comes from making promises and keeping them." Jack Canfield That builds trust, it builds relationships, which builds long term connectivity and profitability.

So once you've established a connection and get to know someone at an event or networking function, ask the question, "what do you need right now, what are the 2 most important projects you are working on right now?" What's the greatest challenge you are facing right now? Whatever it might be, find out what they need and then follow through.

Then the next question to ask is, "what can I do to help you get to where you want to go?" Here's an example. During a coaching session, I asked my client what they needed and how could I help them? My client was specific about what they needed as far as being more organized and having a step by step plan of accomplishing goals. I used techniques to provide them with organization and steps to stay on task. They received what they needed by way of organization and goal setting skills and I helped them get from where they are to were they wanted to be. You want to deliver what you've promised to deliver. Look at networking as the beginning of a relationship.

Also, you want to be able to tell them what you need. Be very clear about what it is you need. If you need help personally, like a job referral because your son needs work, or your need a consult because your mother has breast cancer. Or you may need financial assistance, like a financial advisor, there maybe a certain market you want to penetrate, a key initiative or important connection you want to start or meet. Whatever it is, be specific. You want to have maybe 2 very important and pressing matters addressed because you don't want to spread yourself thin and be all over the place.

Once you've established yourself with visibility and credibility, the profits will follow. You better believe that when you ask them for help, they are going to return the favor. Now that you've delivered on their concerns, this puts you in direct line to receive what you want. This is part of building a network of like minded professional individuals that will promote you and your products because of the trust, honor and friendship you've created.

The last thing you want to do is follow up. Many of us go to networking functions and collect a hand full of business cards and end up throwing them in a box, on your desk or putting a rubber band around them. Follow up with the potential connections, prospects, or clients. Make sure there is something you can do for them. Like provide them with a new product, send them one of your articles, or a news clipping you found out they were interested in, or send them a birthday card. You want to keep you on top of their mind.

Focus on creating a long term relationship. Your goal is to build a relationship. Ask the question as to how you can be of service to them. "If you help enough people get what they want, you will always have what you want." Zig Ziglar. Figure out how you can provide a solution to their problem and follow up. And remember to be clear about the challenge you want resolved about your life or current situation. This makes it a fair and even exchange were everybody gets what they want.

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Sunday, 4 December 2011

Vickie Guerrero Biography Current News Profile Boy Friend

Vickie Lynn Guerrero  (born Vickie Lara;April 16, 1968) is an American  professional wrestling personality, manager, shifting authority figure and occasional wrestler. She is the widow of the late professional wrestler Eddie Guerrero, currently signed to WWE on its Raw brand.

Vickie Guerrero Live Video and Image Galery

She had previously been on the SmackDown  brand, where she served as the Official Consultant to SmackDown General Manager Theodore Long. She had also served as acting general manager, but was storyline fired after Teddy Long returned on SmackDown's 600th episode to reclaim the General Manager position.Vickie Guerrero Biography Current News Profile Boy Friend Husband Children Movies Relationships Twitter Imdb Family Facebook Myspace Pictures Wallpaper Online Video.

In 2005, Vickie Guerrero began to make cameo appearances during the feud between her husband Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio, which had escalated when Eddie promised to reveal a secret concerning Mysterio's son, Dominick. Vickie was on the July 14 episode of SmackDown! with two of Eddie's three daughters to stop Eddie from revealing Mysterio's secret. Eddie promised not to reveal the secret should he lose to Mysterio at The Great American Bash,though that turned out to be another one of his character's trademark lies, as Eddie revealed that Dominick was really his biological son. Vickie later reappeared at SummerSlam to convince Eddie to put a stop to his war with Mysterio and not to go through with the "Custody of Dominick" ladder match that night.When that failed, she cost him the match by pushing over the ladder he was on as he was about to win.On November 13, 2005, Eddie Guerrero died of heart failure in his Minneapolis hotel room and was found by his nephew Chavo.On-screen, this led to Rey Mysterio, Eddie's real-life  friend, getting more screen time and higher profile matches, including defeating Kurt Angle and Randy Orton at WrestleMania 22 for the World Heavyweight Championship.

In 2006, approximately seven or eight months after Eddie's death, Vickie started appearing more prominently in more controversial storylines. She first asserted herself during a feud between Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero when Chavo accused Mysterio of being "nothing but a leech living off the blood of the Guerrero name" on the August 4 episode of SmackDown!. Subsequently, she acted as peacemaker between the two former friends until she seemingly inadvertently interfered in their match at SummerSlam in 2006, costing Mysterio the match.She then officially betrayed him by siding with Chavo and hitting Mysterio in the back with a steel chair on the following episode of SmackDown!, becoming a heel in the process.On the September 1 edition of SmackDown!, she declared herself Chavo's business manager and Mysterio an "insignificant chapter" in her past.At No Mercy, Chavo lost to Mysterio in a Falls Count Anywhere match.On October 20, Rey Mysterio lost an "I Quit" match against Chavo after interference from Vickie.

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